Why Should You Vote During the MEP Elections?

16 April 2019


The European Union is composed of various institutions and in reality there are a lot of complexities that contribute to the idea of the ‘Brussels Bubble.’ An idea which effectively makes it seem that the EU is unreachable. The Lisbon Treaty attempted to divert from this idea, which is why it gave a boost to the European Parliament; the only institution that directly represents us citizens in the EU.

So why is it important to vote in the upcoming MEP Elections?

Among the responsibilities of the European Parliament, Members of the European Parliament have the legislative powers to amend and adopt texts which affect all EU citizens. Since their job is to represent us citizens, one of their requirements is to negotiate with the public and all social partners.

Our duty as EU citizens, would be to vote for a candidate who could represent our interests within the EU. A candidate that could truly make a difference within our lives.

The very first time I voted was in 2014; as a recent EU graduate, my mindset was simple; vote for the candidates I believed would make a difference in the European Parliament, candidates who would work.

This time round, I am going to do the same thing.

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